Friday, January 13, 2006

This is not a post about my life or anything, this is dedicated to an awesome movie I just had the pleasure of viewing. I'm talking about The Wall. It has everything a movie needs: sex, drugs, rock and roll, more drugs, violence, blood, and trippy cartoon interludes. And the best part is it taught me a lot when watching it. It showed the evils of war, of violence, of drugs. There is relatively no plot whatsoever but it doesn't matter, the message stands out. Throughout you can see riots, people dying, people being brainwashed and it has the perfect soundtrack as well. So in conclusion if you like any of the stuff I have listed above or are extremely anti-war or just want to see a great movie, rent it and watch it.


Blogger temptingfateagain said...

No they were not on drugs, they just thought I could see it since I wanted to.

6:44 PM  

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