Thursday, November 10, 2005

After the success of that last post, I have signed a deal to do weekends! wooohooo! yippy skippy!

Well not really but I thought I should post some more, heres a poem.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I can't write poems,
So F u

now I'm really gonna try,

There once was a man from nantucket,
Who sailed out to sea in a bucket,
He was an idiot and left a hole in it so the water got in and he drowned

Yogi Bear Rocks!!!!!

Lots of other stuff totally rocks!!!!

There are many strange people at my school, one was walking down the hall talking to himself in what sounded like Russian or German!!!!

!!!s Rock!!!

Pigs rock as well!!!! <(^@^)> OINK!!!!
We had to write the stupidest journal today on patience, I would have written that I didn't have enough patience to write it but, I did

You should all join Yahoo Music if not a member already!!!!

Is there a !!!! limit!!!! or can I!!!?! Use as many as I want!!!?!!11!

I want feed back on my extreme usage of !!!!s and whether you as a general public like it!!!!

Finally a War Cry!!!!

(But not really)
I'm quite civilized.


Blogger temptingfateagain said...

lol, needed a nonsense post

5:39 PM  
Blogger temptingfateagain said...

Where do you get it? lol, first thing I thought was wondering where to get it, other than hanging out with the kids out by the wall after school.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

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6:23 PM  
Blogger temptingfateagain said...

why did i have to ask?

7:21 PM  

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